We need your help on Giving Tuesday – the day of giving for nonprofits
Did you know that there are over 100,000 dogs and cats living in our community that don’t have access to veterinary care? The mission of Pets4Life is to help these overlooked pets with basic wellness and help with easily treatable conditions such as fleas and worms. However, we often see pets that are suffering terribly from conditions that require a bit more help.
These special needs pets may have a range of physical disabilities and/or chronic medical conditions. Many are seniors that have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, COPD, persistent allergies, and severe dental disease. Most of these pets have suffered for years without proper vet care. This year’s Giving Tuesday donations will help Pets4Life Louisville go above basic wellness to help pets in our community that are suffering. Here’s an example of some of the special needs pets that we have helped:

Gizmo: Gizmo is a senior Shih tzu dog that visited our clinic and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, heart valve issues and double yeast ear infections. Through individual donations we have been able to provide Gizmo’s owner with medications to help reduce this little guy’s suffering from a hacking cough and difficulty breathing.

Snuggy: Snuggy is a 13 year old Maltese that visited our clinic and was diagnosed with severe dental disease and allergies. We were able to treat his allergies and follow-up with dental surgery and extractions. Severe dental disease is a very commonly seen in the pets that visit Pets4Life clinics. We want to help as many of them as we can to prevent pain and suffering.

Prince: Prince is a young Shih tzu who became paralyzed in his lower body. Unable to walk or run, he was dragging his body resulting in skin sores. We had him evaluated and found that Prince wasn’t in pain, however his condition was incurable. Through generous donations on a Facebook fundraiser, we were able to provide Prince with a wheelchair and drag-bag to improve Prince’s quality of living. Prince is now ‘on the move’ just like any other young active dog!
How to help Pets4Life Louisville to help pets with special needs
Make a Donation: Pets4Life Giving Tuesday Goal: $2000
On Giving Tuesday, November 30th, we would like to ask if you can make a donation (small or large) to help us with these special needs animals. Our goal is to raise $2000 so that we can help the most vulnerable dogs and cats in our community who are suffering and are in pain. Scan/Photograph this image to make a donation:

Here’s an example of what your Giving Tuesday donation can do:
- $10 donation: Provides a microchip to reunite a lost pet with owner
- $25 donation: Provides a wellness exam for a cat or dog
- $25-$100 donation: Provides medications for a needy pet
- $250-$500 donation: Covers a dental surgery for a dog or cat
Would you be able to make a donation to help reduce animal suffering and help people keep their Pets4Life? Please give to Pets4Life Louisville today or on November 30, Giving Tuesday.
Set-up a Facebook Fundraiser:
- Set your Fundraising Goal
- Set your end date
- Feel free to personalize the title/description of your fundraiser
- Press ‘Create’ and get started on your challenge
Follow this link to create a Facebook Fundraiser for Pets4Life Louisville
Buy From Amazon Wishlist:
Amazon: Who doesn’t love a little on-line shopping? Are you planning to do some Black Friday shopping? How about some Cyber Monday shopping? If you’re looking for a tangible way to make a difference in the lives needy pets, then look no further! Check out the Pets4Life Louisville’s Amazon Wish List.
Be sure to mail it to the Pets4Life Louisville Mailing address:
Pets4Life Louisville
291 N. Hubbards Ln.
Suite 172, Box 105
Louisville, KY 40207
Use Amazon Smile:
Shopping online at Amazon on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Did you know that every time you shop at Amazon, you can help needy pets? Through the Amazon Smile program, all your purchases can help Pets4Life at NO ADDITIONAL COST to you!
To participate, simply navigate to smile.amazon.com and look in the upper left corner. Search and select ‘Pets4Life Louisville‘. Each time you make a purchase, navigate to ‘smile.amazon.com’ before checkout (all your account information will remain the same). For each purchase, Amazon will make a small donation to Pets4Life Louisville.
Share on Social Media:
Follow and participate on our main Facebook Page, Pets4Life Louisville . To help us during Giving Tuesday, please consider sharing the content and posts on your newsfeed, or sharing in Facebook Messenger with your friends who love animals. These acts will help us expand our reach to more people who need our services, as well as people who may want to support our mission to help needy pets in Metro Louisville.
Join ‘Pets4Life Pals’:
Do you have just 5 minutes each week? If so, we welcome you to be part of Pets4Life Louisville’s Social Media Team, which we call ‘Pets4LIfe Pals’. This is our small team of ambassadors that help us expand our message and reach by being an active participant on the Pets4LIfe Louisville Facebook Page. This is a great way to make a BIG IMPACT with just a little time! If interested, please email awclouisville@gmail.com

Pets4Life Louisville is a 501(C)3 nonprofit. We have received the GuideStar Bronze Seal of Transparency. And because we are an all-volunteer organization, 100% of your donation goes toward helping animals!