Volunteer with Pets4Life!
Want to make a Pawsitive Impact? Volunteer to help people keep their Pets4Life! We’re thrilled to announce our expansion into new areas of our community, and we’re in need of passionate individuals like you to join us on this journey. Whether you’re interested in serving as a board member, committee member, veterinarian, technician, or general volunteer, your skills and dedication are invaluable to our mission.
Want to help at one of our upcoming events? PETS4LIFE VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP
Want to get more involved? We are an ALL-VOLUNTEER Organization made up of a board, committee members and volunteers who have a passion for helping animals. Below you can read about the many ways to get involved and help under-served pets and pet owners in our community. But the first step is to COMPLETE OUR VOLUNTEER INTEREST SURVEY

A. VETS/TECHS: Our mission would not be possible without the generosity of local vets & techs. Each pet clinic requires 1-3 vets and 2-6 Vet Assistants. The more help we have the more pets we can help! If you are a vet or vet assistants, please consider signing-up to volunteer at one or our upcoming pet clinics
B. CLINIC VOLUNTEERS: Our Wellness Clinics requires a team of 12-24 people to manage and administer a pet clinic to treat 30-60 pets. Volunteers are needed for check-in & checkout, as well as veterinary staff and assistants.
C. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: If you’re interested in getting involved in a more committed role, we are always looking for talent to help on our Development Committee. Skills needed include website content management, fundraising/grant writing, social media, event planning and administration/data entry.
D. WORKSHOP LEADERS/TRAINERS: As we expand into new areas, we will be seeking people to help by leading workshops and training events. If you have expertise in any pet care areas and would like to use your talent to help others, please consider applying to teach or lead a workshop.