New for 2023 we are introducing our new Mission Partner Program. Pets4Life has a great track record of working closely with other organizations and now we have a plan to develop more win/win partnerships!

A Mission Partner is any business or group that we are partnering with to fulfill our mission of bringing pet wellness services to the underserved pet owners of the Louisville community. Here are just some of the ways we can partner with other organizations to help the most needy pets (and their owners) in our community!
- Vet Clinics/Hospitals: Select a clinic date and provide volunteer vets & techs to work at one of our vaccine or wellness clinics. The whole team can work together to help pets who do not have access to vet care. What an amazing way to give back!
- Animal or other nonprofits: Partner with Pets4Life by participating in our clinics/events. Opportunities include providing pet food & supplies, offering your pet/people services to the underserved pet owners, and providing education on a variety of pet and other topics.
- Corporate Sponsors: Larger businesses can support underserved pet owners by sponsoring a clinic and providing volunteers. Employees love supporting animal organizations and because we are a small, all-volunteer organization, 100% of all donations go directly to helping animals.
- Pet Services/Businesses: Small pet retailers, dog park bars, or dog service businesses can host microchip clinics or hold fundraising events to raise awareness and help people keep their Pets4Life!
- Small Local Businesses: We would love to partner with local businesses such as restaurants, bars & retailers. These businesses can host fundraising nights/events with proceeds to Pets4Life Louisville. Other ideas include hosting a pet food drive, hosting an Angel Tree or holding a Holiday Photo Event (ex. Pictures with Santa)
- Schools/Scouts: Young people working on service hours or scout projects (such as Gold Awards or Eagle Scouts) can volunteer at a Pets4Life clinic, or conduct a food drive or pet supplies drive.
If interested in being one of our ‘Mission Partners of the Month’, please complete this form: